
Seven reasons to choose green in the city

Published on
October 22, 2020

Green is a scarce commodity in urban areas. Vegetation in cities is in decline, for example as the result of the construction of new homes and industrial sites, or the paving of squares. Moreover, an increasing number of people choose to pave their garden. While vegetation adds value to the city.

This issue is more than likely to be discussed today during a large webinar in preparation for the international climate summit (the Climate Adaptation Summit) at the beginning of next year. Vegetation significantly contributes to climate-proofing urban areas and increasing livability.

Webinar ‘Finding nature-based solutions together’

In anticipation of the digital Climate Adaptation Summit (CAS, the international summit on climate adaptation) in January 2021, WUR organises the “Finding nature-based solutions together’’ webinar. WUR-researchers, the Amsterdam municipality and the Dutch Unesco Committee hold presentations, alternated with panel discussions with the online audience.


One of the seven reasons to opt for a green city is that vegetation helps to lower temperatures. Urban areas are often warmer than the surrounding rural regions. The stone houses, squares and streets absorb heat and retain it for a longer period. After a warm summer’s day, the city remains between five to ten degrees Celsius warmer than a rural environment.

There are abundant reasons to prevent extreme heat in urban areas as much as possible. Extreme heat poses a health threat for vulnerable groups such as the elderly, infants and patients suffering from cardiovascular conditions. Heatwaves cost human lives. Each degree in temperature increase during a heatwave is reflected in mortality statistics. Moreover, labour productivity declines during periods of heat and infrastructure and water quality are negatively impacted, to name just a few effects.

Other six reasons

Want to know what the other six reasons are? Read the long read below:

You will read all about:

  • Social cohesion
  • Flooding
  • Improved health
  • Attractiveness
  • Biodiversity
  • Value increase